Model # AF202-1010-TW
Item # 122886Write a review
Stewart & Hamilton Oasis 9" Twin Mattress Set
Model # AF202-1010-TW
Item # 122886Write a review
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Store Number: 7450
26662 Brookpark Rd Extension
North Olmsted, OH, 44070
(440) 734-3303
Close your eyes and enjoy quality sleep on the Oasis Memory Foam Mattress Set. The quilt layer features Safe Slumber Fire Retardant System and a quality foam layer. The Oasis Memory Foam mattress is the perfect combination of great comfort for a low price.
Quilt layer features a 5/8'' thick layer of comfort foam with tight knit fabric
9'' thick reactive foam core
Made in USA
1-year manufacturer’s limited warranty
Includes: 1 Twin Mattress, 1 Twin Foundation
Specifications | |
COMFORT | Firm |
CUSTOM DIMENSIONS | Twin Mattress: 39''W X 75''D X 9''H Twin Foundation: 39''W X 75''D X 9''H |
MATTRESS TYPE | Memory Foam |
SIZE | Twin |
WARRANTY | 1 Year Manufacturers Limited Warranty |